slt jai 13 ans je suis fan de dbz et des simpsons et j'adore faire des animation avec stykz


Dbm U13 Saiyans La By Bk 81 D3r9wdo



2012-04-05 18:54:21
Nice coloring!
But... Vegeta and Kakarot don't have a tail ^^


2012-09-01 04:14:33
yes kakarot does its around his waist and so is vegetas its just yellow because he is a super saiyan.


2012-10-07 11:28:19
They don't have a tail... Nappa and Radditz do, but Vegeta and Kakarot do NOT. Look at the pages...


2012-12-16 23:02:06
that suck man


2013-02-09 19:02:15
you all are retard i at there waist stupid

goku 1on1

2013-05-15 06:27:12
Man that so cool looking so ready to read about how they kill the cold family in see my boy vegeta go super first

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